Matching Sets and Why We Love Them

When to wear

The best thing about matching sets is that you can pretty much wear them wherever you like. All you have to do is choose the right set for the right occasion!

If you’re heading out on a hot date with your man and want to feel as sexy as you look in that slinky little dress, a matching bra and knickers set is the perfect option. This Triumph Amourette 300 Wired Bra and matching Amourette brief is guaranteed to keep you feeling fabulous at dinner table and in the bedroom! They are also a wonderfully romantic option for special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays when you really want to impress.

Amourette 300 Matching Bra and Knickers

That said, matching sets aren’t just for special occasions. You can also rock simpler, more comfortable pieces every day of the week. You can even sport matching sets at the gym! This Anita Momentum Soft Sports Bra and Anita Sports Pant will ensure you are the most stylish chick in the change room.

Anita Momentum Bra and Pants


One of the most fantastic benefits about matching sets is that you don’t have to bother finding items that look good together. Sure, no one really sees your lingerie at the office but teaming a cotton pair of polka dot knickers with a black lacy bra may not do wonders for your inner sense of sexy. Instead, matching sets ensure that every morning you can get up and slip into something that is perfectly coordinated.

This will also help when it comes to colour matching with your clothes. There’s nothing worse than having to wear a black pair of knickers with a light coloured dress and bra because all your white briefs are in the wash. If you start to wear matching sets, you’ll always be sure to have matching colours on hand!

Extra Tips

When buying matching sets, it’s important to think about what sorts of clothes you will be wearing them with. For example, if you tend to wear tight, figure hugging clothes then it may be a good idea to choose sets with matching strings or no VPL knickers. There’s no point in owning a gorgeous matching set if the knickers are too ruffled to look good with your wardrobe.

If you’re looking for something sexy yet comfortable enough for everyday wear, why not try the Sloggi Hot Lips Light Bra and matching Sloggi Hot Lips Light Hipster for size? The seamless design, no VPL and versatile range of colours will ensure that you have a set to go with every outfit!.

Sloggi Hot Hips Light Bra and Knickers

So there you have it ladies – matching sets are officially a great choice for your underwear drawer. Whether you want to achieve a sultry boudoir look or simply make your everyday routine that little bit easier, the wide range of sets on offer from has something for you!